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Take Your Members’ Career Advancement to the Next Level with Career Planning Portal

Association industry research by Momentive Software shows that career advancement benefits are important and/or increasing in importance to members of professional membership associations.

There are multiple ways you can offer your members a wealth of career advancement opportunities – including job postings, résumé reviews, job seeker articles, networking opportunities, and virtual career fairs. Those are all highly valuable member benefits.

Just imagine, though, if you could take it further. What if you could offer your members everything they needed in one place to plan out and advance their careers?

Sounds like something that would attract more members and keep them around longer, doesn’t it?

Take career planning to the next level for your members

Career Planning Portal from YM Careers makes that idea a reality by:

  • Taking your career center from a basic job board to an interactive career destination
  • Allowing members to map out their career path, showing them related titles within a specific field, job descriptions, relevant skills, and recommended/required courses and certifications related to their career search
  • Providing career advice, with professional resources and coaching, including articles, tips, best practices, rĂ©sumĂ© reviews, and access to career coaches

Those elements alone would be enough to help your members advance their careers. But it doesn’t stop there. It goes a big step further by providing career insights.

Drive your members’ careers forward with deep insights

Once your members have a career map and some best practices for career advancement in hand, they need to be able to dig deeper to understand more about their chosen professional path. That’s what Career Insights in Career Planning Portal does. It gives them access to data about their potential careers, effectively helping them gain the insights they need to move forward or change direction.

Using Career Insights, your members can get detailed data, trends, and forecasts about a specific occupation, including:

  • Growth outlooks for various jobs – including government estimates for future job creation by role and location
  • Compensation ranges by region or nationally, and on a salaried or hourly basis
  • Comparison of employment statistics using local, state, and nationwide averages
  • Summaries of typical activities performed by role
  • Sample “day in the life” videos with practical examples of what it’s like to perform specific roles
  • Knowledge, skills, and education levels typically required for each job
  • Recommended open jobs based on the professional’s interests
  • Related occupations

This type of information can help your members understand:

  • Where they are in their careers compared with projected growth
  • What opportunities exist around a particular career path
  • What related occupations could be next steps in their career paths
  • Considerations related to a potential career or location move

Help your association, your members, and your industry

Providing your members with deep career insights provides the career-related benefits your members seek. It also helps employers in your industry by developing and educating highly qualified candidates (your members) to fill jobs that require specific skills and knowledge.

By providing the value your members want and the capabilities that companies in your industry seek, your association benefits as well. For example, you can:

  • Attract new members with a highly desirable member benefit
  • Engage and retain members by providing a continuous high-value benefit
  • Generate non-dues revenue by becoming known as the go-to recruitment and career advancement resources in your industry or profession (you can charge employers a fee to get their job openings in front of your members)

Learn more

Discover more ways to create an online career center that drives value for your members, your industry, and your association. Read the paper, Becoming the Ultimate Career Development Destination for Your Members.

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