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Next Steps: You just launched your Career Center, now what?

The big day has finally come! You’ve prepped for months – emails ready, launch banners carefully crafted, social media plan stacked, and a press release ready to go out. And then just like that, your career center is launched!

With all the marketing and preparation that goes into a successful career center launch, you might be wondering, well, now what? Marketing does not stop after launch, it’s only just the beginning of association job board marketing.

Here are the five best practices to start marketing your job board to increase member engagement and remind your members that your association’s career center is a true career destination.

Banners in Member Newsletters

A great way to promote the member benefits of your career center is to have a banner in your monthly member communications. You can schedule these banners in advance and can rotate different copy. Some ideas are promoting the overall career center for brand awareness, uploading your resume, free resume review, creating a job alert, and signing up for the Job Flash™ so they can see the best jobs first!

Ads in Member Publications

Print and digital monthly member publications are a great way to promote all the benefits of your new career center. Craft your call to action something like – “Check out our new career center for the best career resources and jobs,” or “Create an account to get the latest job postings.”

Dedicated Emails

You might be worried your members already get tons of emails, but this is a great time to segment your member list to receive emails on the career center that would be of interest to them. For example, you can target members who are early careerists by sending them an email to on how to receive a free resume review.

Let them know how to create an account on your career center, upload their resume and where to submit it for review. For potential passive job seekers, you can let them know how to sign up for Job Flash emails, or Job Alerts.

Social Media

Create a social media plan and find images that reflect the benefits of your career center to let members know about Job Alerts, resume reviews, and subscribing to the Job Flash™. Running a resume sweepstakes is a great way to increase job seeker traffic to your career center. You can offer something like a gift card drawing, for anyone who creates an account and uploads their resume in a certain timeframe.

Social channels are a great way to get the word out about the resources your career center has to offer your members.

Virtual Conferences

If you’re having an annual meeting or a virtual conference, be sure to dedicate a booth to your career center. For more on marketing your career center at your virtual conference check out this blog.

Once you’ve identified the channels you have available to you, sit down and come up with a timeline of when you’ll execute on each channel.

Career Planning Portal – The Ultimate Career Destination for Your Members

Remember, your members are looking to you as a resource to help with their career path. Marketing your career center lets your members know you are a resource for career advancement and growth.

YM Career recently release its Career Planning Portal, a career resource where your members can research and plan potential career paths, watch “day in the life” videos for selected jobs, get career advice from industry experts and find the best jobs – and best of all, Career Planning Portal is included for free in every YM Career Center. Check it out today!

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