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If your association is like many others, you’re looking for new ways to drive non-dues revenue. Findings from the 2021 Association Trends Study by Momentive Software shows that associations plan to turn to new forms of non-dues revenue more than other means to address any revenue losses from the past year. Momentive Software research also shows that job opportunities are among the most important benefits to members of an association. 

So, why not put the two together by finding ways to meet your members’ job search needs while driving more revenue for your organization? That way, everyone wins. 

Here are three ways to generate non-dues revenue that benefit your members, your industry’s employers, and your association: 

1. Host virtual career fairs.

Virtual career fairs offer your members a convenient and affordable way to network and engage with employers. They also offer value to your association and employers in your industry.  

Get our Checklist for Successful Virtual Events

With this checklist, your virtual career fair will deliver the experience your members deserve and achieve the most return on investment (ROI).

With virtual career fairs, employers purchase branded online booths where they can highlight job openings, company information, and other materials. Job candidates can then visit these booths during the virtual career event to chat virtually with employers.  

With virtual career fairs:

  • Your members have an easy and inexpensive way to meet with multiple employers in just a few hours versus simply applying for job postings online and hoping to hear back.
  • Employers in your industry have a quick and convenient way to develop their pipeline of talent by meeting virtually with a pool of highly qualified candidates.
  • Your association provides a valuable member service while generating non-dues revenue. 

2. Hold onsite career fairs.

Your annual conference or regional meetings can be the perfect opportunity for your members to connect with leading industry employers who have great jobs to offer. This can easily be a new source of revenue for your organization.

You can host résumé reviews and give your members an opportunity to speak with qualified career coaches in your industry. Bring in industry experts to deliver career sessions with the ability to network afterward. Your members will see more value in your overall event as you provide them with direct access to top employers and networking to advance their careers. 

With onsite career fairs: 

  • Your members can access career development resources and connect with potential job opportunities in your industry – all in one hub.
  • Employers in your industry gain face-to-face access to highly qualified job seekers – often passive job seekers – in a cost-effective setting that also helps them build their brand in the industry.
  • Your association delivers great member and industry value, and drives revenue by charging employers to participate, without a lot of additional work and cost because your members and many industry employers are already there attending your larger event. 


3. Offer recruitment guides.

You can drive even more revenue by offering digital and printed recruitment guides. These guides can include relevant career development articles and resources for members, plus paid ads from employers looking to hire your members. You can hand out printed guides at your in-person events, then and send digital copies to all of your members. 

With recruitment guides: 

  • Your members can easily learn more about top employers in your industry while learning more about how to land their next great job.
  • Employers in your industry have another way to gain exposure to a highly skilled and qualified pool of candidates – your members.
  • Your association has another way to drive revenue by selling ads in the guides. You also have another value-added resource to offer your members. 

Learn more

These are just some of the great ways that career-building offerings for your members can help you drive revenue. Discover more ways to generate revenue: Read The Association’s Guide to Diversifying Non-Dues Revenue Streams.

Find out how YM Careers can help your association drive non-dues revenue while serving your members every day.

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