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Creating a Digital Recruitment Guide is a great way to provide value for your members and open more avenues for employers to gain exposure. A digital guide showcases employer, intern or graduate school ads, videos, and links, providing your members with a simple, organized way to see the top opportunities and employers in their industry. It can also include relevant industry and career related articles. Below are some best practices for a successful guide, that will engage your members while helping them find new opportunities. You can use this resource to learn more about Recruitment Guides and how they can bring in non-dues revenue for your Association.

Association Homepage & Career Center Banners

Place a banner or short blurb on your website dedicated to the Recruitment Guide. Use a CTA to let your audience know they can view the guide with the click of a button. Include a tagline highlighting why the guide is a great resource!

Email Campaigns/Dedicated Email Marketing

Deploy a dedicated email to your members and career center job seekers detailing the recruitment guide. Feature the guide as offering exciting new career opportunities. Don’t forget to encourage your members to register on your career center, driving more jobseeker traffic and adding value for employers. If you can’t send a dedicated email, place a banner or a blurb in member communications, linking out to the guide.

TIP: If you are tying the in the guide to a Conference or Event, include a link for the guide in any live or post event communication to boost employer and attendee connections during or after the event.

Conference App/Virtual Conference Lobby (if applicable)

Conference Apps, or in today’s world virtual conference lobbies, receive consistent traffic and are a great navigation resource. Link out the guide from a custom banner, or create a featured category, such as career resources. This prolongs the guides exposure, since many attendees will still use your conference app or visit the event lobby after the live event is over. If you have a dedicated career center booth at your conference, be sure to promote and provide the link to the guide in the booth.


Write a blog on career resources you offer to your members and showcase the recruitment guide.

Social Media

Social media is a great channel to promote your recruitment guide and engage job seekers. Let your followers know this is great insight into your industry’s job market. Don’t forget to enhance your posts by tying in your career center and all the resources available.

Take the next steps.

Use this to identify the ideas that will give your Association the biggest return. Recruitment Guides are just one of the many career resources provided by YM Careers to help grow your Association and its value. Explore all the ways you can enhance the career experience for your members.

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