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Members already turn to your association for several benefits to meet their professional goals.

Achieving all professional goals can be challenging as they can differ from member to member relative to the current stage of their career. If your membership list includes students to late careerists, consider alternative opportunities for professional development that will work for everyone. These tools will help your members attain their professional peak, regardless of their starting point.

1. Professional Connections
Networking has traditionally been an event. People would gather to discuss current topics and have some “face-time” with their peers. Those settings aren’t prevalent currently, but your members still crave that kind of peer connection, the solution is virtual networking sessions and online discussion boards. Provide settings where your members can post comments or initiate chats from the comfort of their homes. Mentorship boards are another way to connect members and encourage young professionals and students to join your association. Mentoring is vital for the passage of industry knowledge to members newer to the profession and provides another avenue for rewarding connection.

2. Professional Development
Professional development can be challenging because you need to provide resources that appeal to members in various stages of their careers. However, there is a solution. Providing access to industry-relevant articles on a range of career topics will benefit all members, from your interns to executives. Members newer to your professional community would benefit from access to career coaches and complimentary resume reviews. Internship boards are also useful for student members to make connections and grow industry skills.

3. Career Opportunities
Connect your talented members with leading career opportunities by providing an association job board. New and seasoned members can find open career opportunities relevant to their interests and skill level. Sharing jobs on your association homepage and/or social channels allow members to see your association as a resource for new career options.

The American Library Association (ALA) and the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) share job ads from their joint job board in dedicated e-newsletters, on their association homepages, and through their ALA JobLIST Facebook and Twitter accounts. Their more than 55,000 loyal members and thousands of other LIS professionals view ALA JobLIST is a valuable source of industry jobs. If you need additional ideas on how to provide job opportunities directly to your members, check out our job board marketing services.

Want to take member continued professional growth up a notch? Show members and early career professionals a clear path to reach their professional goals with Career Journey

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