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On-Demand Webinar

At the Table with SHRM

Level up your career center to become THE career destination.

Join Society of Human Resources Management’s Linda Hahn, Senior Specialist of Digital Partner Programs and the YM Careers team for a fast-paced, information packed, roundtable discussion on turning your job board into a career destination your members will rely on for years to come.

Watch on-demand!

In this open, Q&A format, we’ll discuss how SHRM’s transition to YM Careers leveled up their career center and successfully attracted new members, increased engagement and drove non-dues revenue to new heights.

In this roundtable chat, we’ll cover:

  • Smoothly launching a new career center
  • Incorporating key features such as job widgets, SSO integration and resume sweepstakes to drive engagement and revenue
  • Creating a notable brand around your career center through smart marketing strategy

Your members rely on your association to provide career growth resources and new opportunities. Implementing a user-friendly career center, with the resources they want, will increase member engagement, new member acquisition, membership renewals, and revenue.

Learn how associations like SHRM do it!

Featuring Special Guest:

Linda Hahn

Linda Hahn
Senior Specialist of Digital Partner Programs

YM Careers Presenters:

Alison Mayo

Alison Mayo
Vice President of Client Services

Gina Durso

Gina Durso
Senior Marketing Manager

Moderated By:

Dawn DiLorenzo

Dawn DiLorenzo
Director of Marketing

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