VECCS wanted to upgrade their job
board to provide a better member
online career center while generating
more revenue. As the veterinary
industry faces skyrocketing demand
and a shortage in veterinarians,
VECCS members needed a reliable
career resource.
With a small staff, VECCS also
needed a partner who could manage
everything related to sales and
marketing so they implemented
the job board software and career
services from YM Careers to
accomplish all of their goals.
With the YM Careers customer
marketing and sales teams,
VECCS now provides members
with Job Flash™ email alerts,
recruitment guides, and more to
help members grow their careers.
VECCS utilizes the Association
Placement Service to provide
members with personal recruiters
who find them their dream jobs.
And, through Career Benchmark
Dashboards, VECCS gives members
and employers unprecedented
career and industry insights to make
informed career decisions and
become employers of choice.
In addition to increasing member
value and engagement, VECCS has
seen a 300% increase in revenue.
This revenue boost for the small
staff association has given VECCS a
crucial replenishment of resources
all while providing their members a
true career destination, especially in
a time of need.
VECCS continues to embrace YM
Careers’ ideas for improving member
value and driving revenue. Now, the
small staff counts on the outstanding
YM Careers customer success team
to handle all of the details.
Founded in 1974, the Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society (VECCS) promotes the advancement of knowledge and high
standards of practice in veterinary emergency medicine and critical patient care. VECCS serves about 6,000 members.
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