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Combine Your Career Center and AMS for Better Member Value

On their own, your online career center and association management software are powerful tools. Put the two systems together, and you can do even more to improve member recruitment and retention.

Some things work even better together: Nuts and bolts. Peanut butter and jelly. Batman and Robin. They have a lot to offer on their own, but together, those classic combinations rise to a whole new level.

The same is true for your online career center software and your association management software (AMS). An online career center and AMS integration can take your member acquisition and engagement even further than they can go by themselves.

On its own, your online career center is a powerful tool. It helps you deliver valuable job opportunities and career development resources to job seekers in your industry and helps employers find the highly qualified job candidates they need.

Likewise, your AMS does a lot of heavy lifting. It’s the software you use to manage your entire organization – from collecting and storing member details to communicating with members and managing membership processes.

Put the two systems together, and you have a powerhouse for attracting new members and providing a great member experience that keeps members around for years to come.

Using your online career center and AMS integration to acquire new members

Association trends research by Community Brands shows that job opportunities and help with career advancement are among the most important benefits to members of professional associations.


2023 member benefits

The same study indicates that those benefits are especially valued by members who are early in their careers – your next generation of members.


2023 member priorities based on career stage


So, how can your association deliver more of the career-boosting benefits your members want? Offering a robust online career center – one that connects job seekers with employers in your industry and offers a wealth of career development resources – is a great place to start.

But you can take member acquisition even further by integrating your career center software with your AMS. With this type of technology integration, you can capture contact information of non-members who visit your career center and target them for member marketing and acquisition efforts.

For example, using these two systems together, you can:

  • Develop member prospect lists – Non-members who visit your job board and sign up as job seekers via job alerts or account registration can be delivered automatically to your AMS as a list of new member prospects for your use in new member marketing and acquisition efforts.
  • Uncover additional insights into prospective member activity – Non-member activity on your job board can be captured and stored within the prospective member’s AMS record, giving you additional data and insights to drive more informed member acquisition efforts.

Here’s how this looks in the real world: YM Careers by Community Brands offers job board software that ensures associations have visibility into non-members who are using the online job board. YM Careers integrates with AMS solutions offered by Community Brands, including YourMembership AMS, as well as other AMS systems outside of the Community Brands family of solutions. YourMembership AMS is affordable, easy-to-use, all-in-one membership software. It includes membership management functionality combined with an online community platform to help you manage member activities while providing members with an easy, everyday way to connect, share, and learn.


When combined with your AMS, YM Careers tracks job seeker activity and writes it back to their record within the AMS – helping you drive membership and increase revenue.

You can also use your job board’s registration page to promote membership benefits with intelligently placed calls-to-action encouraging job seekers to join your association and linking to a page with membership benefits and a membership application. Promoting the benefits of membership on your job board keeps your association top-of-mind and further reinforces your brand as prospective members search for new jobs.

So, in short, your online career center is a great member benefit by itself, but it can do even more for your association. By integrating your career center software with your AMS, you have more opportunities to convert non-members to members and ultimately increase revenue.

But that’s not all that a career center and AMS integration can do for your organization.

Providing a more personalized member experience with an online career center and AMS integration

Association research by Community Brands highlights the importance of personalization in delivering a great experience that engages members and keeps them around long term. Findings show that members are interested in targeted recommendations on continuing education and specific programs that align with their needs and interests. They also value various types of content to different degrees in different stages of their careers.

So, how can you provide your members with a more personalized experience throughout their career journeys? First and foremost, make sure you have the right technologies in place so that you can collect and use member data to deliver a more targeted, personalized experience.


Just as with member acquisition, a great place to start is to have an online career center in place that goes beyond job postings to offer your members a wealth of career advancement resources. For instance, each YM Careers-powered online job board comes with the Career Planning Portal, a career advancement hub that offers a comprehensive set of career development resources.

But again, combine your career center with your AMS, and you can do much more. You can engage members with a more personalized experience that keeps them around for years to come.

Here are some examples:

  • Allow members to opt in to receive job alerts based on their AMS member profile data, such as job title and location, giving them the ability to passively search for new and relevant career opportunities.
  • Showcase your members’ learning credentials (based on their member record in your AMS) on their career center job seeker profile to help them stand out to recruiters.
  • Use information about your organization’s educational opportunities that are housed in your AMS to present members who are visiting your job board with relevant or recommended courses offered by your association that will help them become more qualified for those jobs.
  • As member activity on the job board is written back to the member record within the AMS, take advantage of this more complete view of your members’ interactions with your association, all in one place, to provide more targeted content and career development opportunities to your members.

What can associations do with a YM Careers and YourMembership AMS integration?

YourMembership AMS + YM Careers

A YM Careers and YourMembership AMS integration is quick and easy. But even more importantly, the combination of the two can help you drive recruitment, retention, and revenue like never before. Here are some examples of how you can use the two together:

  • Promote career center features (such as job postings and career development resources) regularly in your online member community to drive current members to a valuable resource they might not know about.
  • Each month, pull a list from your AMS of active job seekers and send them an email with tips and best practices for career advancement. This will help to provide members with ongoing value that encourages retention.
  • Create discussion groups in your online member community inspired by topics from your career center, such as job interview tips or résumé techniques, to keep members engaged.
  • Post a short video of your career center experience – such as signing in, clicking on a job opportunity, and clicking through to apply – in your online member community to help promote your career center to members who might not know about it.
  • Pull a list of employers from your AMS who have posted job opportunities in your career center in the past and send them a coupon for a future job posting to get them re-engaged and drive more revenue.
  • Give members the opportunity to opt in to receive intelligent job recommendations based on their AMS member profile data, such as job title and locations, so they can passively search for new career opportunities.
  • Generate a monthly report in your AMS that shows member activity on your job board and use that data to drive more informed member marketing efforts.

A YM Careers and YourMembership AMS integration can help you take membership recruiting, marketing, and revenue opportunities to a whole new level. As these technology platforms work together, you can create member experiences that will drive engagement and revenue for years to come.

Learn more about how to attract and engage members with YM Careers

Your online career center is a valuable member benefit – one that can help you attract and engage members. But don’t stop there. By combining your online career center with your AMS, you’ll have an even more powerful combination for member recruitment and retention.

YM Careers offers job board software and career center solutions that power examples in this article and more to help you deliver the career advancement benefits members seek. YM Careers also integrates with Aptify, NetForum, Nimble AMS, and YourMembership AMS, as well as other brands outside of the Community Brands family to help you deliver a more personalized and engaging member experience.

Learn how YourMembership AMS + YM Careers provides a seamless AMS and job board integration for associations.

Watch the solution webinar.


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